Thursday, August 26, 2010

la tomatina

so yesterday was la tomatina festival en Buñol, valencia, spain. it was nuts. i will post some pictures when i return to madrid in a few days. but it was a crazy experience. im glad i did it ONCE.
and yes i had the goggle and waterproof camera that i will have to develop soon. iwas covered in tomatoes and had some local hose me down in his front yard!!!

it is so hot now...ill just say that its been quite the contrast from the past few sweat in your sleep..

well my trip is nearing its end as i have about two more weeks in europe.

looking forward to seeing everyone at home..

welcome back party anyone?...start planning


  1. I think you and Carlos should come to Vegas when you get back or maybe I'll come visit on my days off from school.
    You know I'm dying to hear about your trip but mostly I want to know how it went in Ireland!! Did you find an Irish hottie ala PS I Love you LOL! Most importantly does he have a single brother or cousin for me??LOL!! I just got back from MX and start school this Monday! Can't wait for you to get back and for us to finally catch up! Miss ya!!
